-Assorted Portofino Breads with Butter Balls
-Mixed Green Salad with Italian Vinaigrette
-Lasagne: Béchamel and Tomato sauce
-Slow Roasted Pork Loin with Pork Gravy or Salmon for vegetarians
-Horseradish, Roasted Baby Potatoes
-Sautéed Mixed Veggies –
-Coffee / Tea including Decaf & Herbal with Milk &Cream, Sugar & Sweeteners
-Sliced Lemons for Iced Water
-Dessert –Tiramasu’ Cake
Please reserve by April 4, 2019 contact:
Or Giovanna 250-474-5416
or e-mail:
Members $25.00 N/m $ 28.00
(you may bring your wine or buy it at the bar)
Children 1-5 yrs old free // 6-11yrs old $ 10. // 12-15 yrs old $ 15.00